IT Solutions For Your Business

  • Software Development
  • IT Assistance
  • IT Consultancy
  • IT Training

Result of the collaboration between Eng. Simone Gambarotto and Eng. Daniele Gambarotto, SDG Studio was founded in 2007 as a strategic consultant to companies wishing to use Information Technology as a tool to improve their competitiveness.
SDG Studio also collaborates in the implementation of elaborated strategies assuming the role of Software House and System Integrator.

Experience 1

Software Analysis and Development

SDG Studio develops customized software to meet the different needs of its customers. We are able to develop software modules using the following technologies:

  • C, C ++, C #, Visual Basic, Java, JavaScript
  • .NET Framework, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, MFC, ATL, COM, XML, JSON
  • Native C ++ Application
  • Web Services
  • Android Apps

Experience 2

Training Courses

SDG Studio offers a large catalog of IT Courses that can be requested in dedicated mode both by a single Client and as Corporate and / or Inter-Company Courses, on pre-established dates, at our office or at the office indicated by the Client.
The dedicated courses can be customized according to the customer's needs, both in terms of content and in terms of duration.

Experience 3


If you need IT consultancy, SDG Studio carries out the analysis and proposes the appropriate solutions to your problems.
We offer:

  • Analysis and verification of already implemented solutions
  • Evaluation and analysis of B2B and B2C solutions
  • Evaluation of in-house or outsourced solutions
  • Database design
  • Realization of local networks or VPN
  • Wireless solutions for corporate connectivity
  • Advice on third party and open source software choices
  • Consulting in hardware choices
  • Website development
  • Domain registration and transfer

Our services

Exclusive services for your business

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Oltre ad essere uno dei più grandi canali pubblicitari con cui un'azienda si promuove sul mercato, Internet è un importante strumento

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Uno dei problemi fondamentali di ogni azienda è quello è quello di acquisire in tempo reale o "offline" grandi quantità di

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Hardware: con la sua consulenza SDG Studio può soddisfare le specifiche esigenze funzionali del Cliente, valutando le migliori opportunità offerte dai

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La necessità di non interrompere il processo produttivo per un lungo periodo di tempo, la diminuzione delle tempistiche di intervento ed

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SDG Studio progetta e realizza impianti di Videosorveglianza digitale IP via cavo o wireless, avvalendosi dei più moderni apparati presenti sul

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Our Products

Solutions For Your Business

PMS Application for campsites, B&B and hotels

Dedicated to tourism sector employees, GSR is the ideal software to manage an accommodation facility.

With GSR it is possible to follow all the phases of the Customer’s data processing: booking, arrival, departure and issuance of a receipt or receipt.


Web TV

SDG Studio develops and supplies a Digital Signage software solution aimed at shops, showrooms, dealers, hotels, restaurants, campsites, travel agencies, real estate agencies, shopping centers, outlets and the Public Administration.

The system allows you to insert ads accompanied by photos, videos and different levels of detail indexed by categories.


Training Courses

Corsi, Office, Software

Corso Microsoft Office 365 Business

Corsi, Development

Corso C#

Corsi, Development

Corso JAVA

Corsi, Development

Corso Android

Corsi, Hardware

Corso Reti di Calcolatori

Corsi, Web

Corso HTML 5 e CSS3


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